Real search & clicks
Boost search ranking

Leading SEO technology and traffic
Real search and web traffic

The leading page ranking brings more organic traffic and begins to attract more article citations, reposts and message interactions. Higher traffic makes the page rank ahead of other pages. We increase the exposure rate of customer news and improve:

  • Keyword search
  • Page hits
  • Social network traffic
  • Referred page traffic
  • More page click frequency
Target countries and cities

Professional target traffic, for the website to be exposed in specific countries and regions, and get search hits. Real and high-quality website traffic plays an important role in the leading position of the website in search results.

  • Target area traffic
  • Target country traffic
  • Random browsing of cities in the country
  • Country-specific language traffic
  • Website traffic based on population ratio
Randomly changing devices

The traffic comes from different PCs, mobile phones, tablets and other devices, which use different OS, browser click screen resolutions, brands and models. This kind of traffic makes the data truly trustworthy. And make the ranking have a competitive advantage.

  • Random  hardware device model
  • Random operating system
  • Random browser
  • Random display resolution
  • High percentage of mobile device traffic

Your news report needs more clicks and viewers

High-quality visitor browsing, we plan special behaviors to help the search ranking of news story move forward
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More advantageous online technology

News will increase your online visibility, but you can do more. The news release and social media team maximizes the influence of news marketing, integrates news releases and social operations for you, and obtains the maximum exposure with a low budget. We not only assist you in finding the next best business story, but also increase the exposure of your story, increase the scope of exposure and improve the effectiveness of publicity.

Boost the News post ranking

Your news can be displayed on more platforms through our service. Nowadays, people read the latest information online every day, you should win the best search rankings. SEO will bring your products exposure.

Does your product need media coverage? Press release service.